Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular Review Course for Cardiology Boards and Recertification (8/26/2015 – 8/31..
650,000 تومان
Internal Medicine Board Certification and Recertification Review
University of California S..
1,200,000 تومان
Pulmonary Medicine Board Review Course
Prep for board exams and integrate new knowledge i..
1,300,000 تومان
Comprehensive Ophthalmology Review
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA Board Review
1,400,000 تومان
General Surgery Board Review 2015
Prep for board exams and expand your knowledge and surgical ski..
1,200,000 تومان
The course covers the salient aspects of urinary tract and male genital pathology, with special emph..
990,000 تومان
Directed by Christopher G. Willett, MD
The Comprehensive Review of Radiation Oncology program pro..
1,200,000 تومان
Johns Hopkins Clinical Update
Stay current, improve interpretive skills and prep for board exams ..
1,200,000 تومان
Comprehensive Review of Endocrine and Head and Neck Surgery provides a broad and deep..
990,000 تومان
Heart Songs 3
Heart Songs 3 provides you with high-quality heart sounds that you can look a..
150,000 تومان
Radiology learning on demand: five breast imaging CMEs in one convenient program
1,200,000 تومان
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA Board Review
The 31st Annual UCLA Intensive Course in Ger..
850,000 تومان
Advances in Pediatric Neuroradiology
Society for Pediatric Radiology
This course will provide ..
850,000 تومان
The Brigham Board Review in Allergy & Immunology
Presented by: Brigham and Women’s Hospital
1,000,000 تومان
Comprehensive Review of Family Medicine
Directed by Donald B. Middleton, MD
Intended Audience
1,000,000 تومان
ACP’s Procedural Shorts are the perfect tool for a quick refresher on office based procedures! Focus..
300,000 تومان
Comprehensive Review of Electrodiagnostic Medicine and Neuromuscular Disorders 2014
As a bu..
1,200,000 تومان
Breast Biopsy – Ultrasound, Stereotaxis & MRI Guidance offers an excellent ove..
600,000 تومان
Breast Imaging and Digital Mammography
University of California San Francisco Clinical Update
990,000 تومان
Hosted by John A. Weigelt, MD, FACS
Prepare for the your ABS board exam with focused, convenient ..
990,000 تومان
Comprehensive Cardiology Seminar and Board Review Course (NYU) 2015
Release Date: 11/1/2015
1,100,000 تومان
Comprehensive Review of Neurology 2015
A comprehensive neurology CME review from the world’s fore..
1,150,000 تومان
National Emergency Medicine Board Review, 17th Edition - 2015
Why Purchase the National Emergency..
990,000 تومان
2014 Atlas and Som: A Case Oriented Tutorial On Neuroradiology and Head and Neck Imaging
A Vi..
1,100,000 تومان
Advanced Imaging of Sports Related Joint Injuries
NYU School of Medicine Clinical Update
A c..
1,100,000 تومان
Hematology and Medical Oncology Best Practices
The George Washington University Board Review
1,250,000 تومان
Congress of Clinical Rheumatology
The Oakstone Institute Clinical Update
Directed by David And..
800,000 تومان
Orthopaedic Surgery Board Review
The Oakstone Institute
Targeted, efficient and expert orthopa..
1,200,000 تومان
The Brigham Board Review in Endocrinology
Presented by: Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Provided by..
1,200,000 تومان
Enhance the Care You Deliver:
Evidence-based information on a broad scope of conditions..
700,000 تومان
UCSF Radiology – Interventional Review
University of California San Francisco Clinical Update
1,150,000 تومان
UCSF Neuro & Musculoskeletal Imaging
UCSF School of Medicine Department of Radiology and Biom..
900,000 تومان
The Brigham Board Review in Infectious Diseases
Presented by: Brigham and Women’s Hospital
1,150,000 تومان
The Chicago Infectious Disease Board Review
Sponsored for CME credit by Rush University Medical C..
1,200,000 تومان
Comprehensive Review of Cardiovascular Pathology
The Oakstone Institute
700,000 تومان
Comprehensive Review of Pediatrics
Directed by David A. Link, MD, and Ronald E. Kleinman, MD
1,150,000 تومان
ALARA – CT (As Low As Reasonably Achievable)
The Society for Pediatric Radiology
The Society f..
750,000 تومان
Pediatric Radiology (The Society for Pediatric Radiology) 2014
The Society for Pediatric Radiolog..
850,000 تومان
The New York General Surgery Board Review Course
The New York General Surgery Board R..
990,000 تومان
UCSF Musculoskeletal MR Imaging
UCSF School of Medicine Department of Radiology and Biomedical Im..
550,000 تومان
Dermatopathology: A Comprehensive Review
The Oakstone Institute
The Oakstone Institute course ..
550,000 تومان
Dermatology Board Review
The Oakstone Institute
The desired result of the Dermatology Board Re..
850,000 تومان
Intensive Vascular Ultrasound Interpretation Review and Registry Preparation
Cleveland Clinic S..
850,000 تومان
OB/GYN- A Comprehensive Review
The Oakstone Institute Specialty Review
Discover the curren..
850,000 تومان
Computed Body Tomography- The Cutting Edge
Johns Hopkins Clinical Update
Stay current with t..
900,000 تومان
UCLA Pediatric Board Review Course
Mattel Children’s Hospital and David Geffen School of Medici..
850,000 تومان
The Brigham Board Review in Pulmonary Medicine
Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Oakstone Board Re..
1,250,000 تومان
The Brigham Renal Board Review Course
Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hosp..
1,250,000 تومان
38th Annual Intensive Review of Internal Medicine
Harvard Medical School and Br..
1,150,000 تومان
Oakstone Breast Ultrasound Clinical Update
Breast Ultrasound
World Class CME and Oakstone Clin..
550,000 تومان
20 Online video lectures
- Covering all you need to know to practice transthoracic echo
- Comple..
950,000 تومان
ویزگی های جدید مجموعه معاینات فیزیکی بیتس 2020:
اضافه شدن ارزیابی های کامل بر اساس تفکیک سن..
3,000,000 تومان